WTOC News Story about SECA Deferral

Thank you to WTOC for helping us get the word out about SECA’s deferral until August of 2022.

Important Announcement from SECA Governing Board

Due to circumstances beyond our control the Governing Board of SECA has made the difficult decision to defer opening until the 2021-2022 school year. While the decision was challenging, we believe that it is best possible solution to ensure SECA provides Southside Savannah access to a rigorous and supportive academic environment for generations. Read the full announcement here.

View our Virtual Information Sessions

You have questions about this exciting new opportunity for Savannah students. We have answers! Register now for one of our virtual town halls.

Or you can watch our virtual information session by clicking here.

O puede ver nuestra sesión de información virtual en español haciendo clic aquí.

Register now

SECA’s open enrollment has begun and ends March 8, 2021! We are welcoming Chatham County students K-3 to register now. For more information click here

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With the continuation of the challenges from the pandemic and now the crushing supply chain issues, along with the ever-increasing cost of goods, the SECA Governing Board has made the very difficult decision to delay the school's opening until the 2023-2024 school year. The board feels that to put the school and scholars in the best position for long-term success they have to make the best possible financial choices they can. Please stay tuned as we will continue to keep you informed about our progress in the coming months.